Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Playing Hardball, Part 3 is available for pre-order

Playing Hardball, Part 3

is available for pre-order

We made it through the trip. It wasn't easy though. You remember me saying I'd be rid of him, right? It didn't happen. I don't care what I did, he was still there. For one reason or another, he was there. 

My best friend and his friend decided to get married. They called to let us know. Of course they couldn't make it easy. We had to be there the next morning. Ugh! Talk about notice. 

We made it in time for the wedding. It only made sense to drive together. I ended up so glad we did. Something happened and I'd gotten sick. The man had to make things even more difficult for me. He took care of me the entire time. He lost time with his friend to take be there for me. Once we'd gotten back home, I told him to go. Did he? Of course not. He was right there until he had to leave. 

I know that sounded sweet of him. It was. I had never been taken care of like that, not ever. He had to make it that much harder for me to follow my rules. Those three I'd been following for years. Don't get close, never fall in love, and always have fun. I had to keep following them for his safety and mine. It had to be that way. They couldn't be broken. I had my reasons. 

I was still sick two days later. That crap wouldn't go away. My friend's mom suggest I take a pregnancy test. Yeah right! There was no way that was possible. I was never having kids. Did I say never? I meant never ever. Those days were over. That would never happen. 

I went to the store and got the test just to prove her wrong. 

I did my job. Then I waited. When I lifted that stick, my entire world changed. 

It couldn't be. There was no way. It wasn't possible, was it? 

Part 4 will be available August 23, 2016. 

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